Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Merry Christmas

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Princess T turns 9

Monday, November 19, 2007
Havin a pool party

Thursday, November 15, 2007
I am still here

Monday, October 22, 2007
Our Baby Chickens
I took a video and Im hoping that it will upload onto here.
I think it may have worked? I have 6 children now all wanting to take them to school for news lol. They will soon be used to children real quick.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Another Snake
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
The Rain
Our Pool
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
My Career

Monday, August 20, 2007
Our little man is 7
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
One Down
I always knew that reading the book was far better than watching the movie, I cant wait to get into the next book and back to Hogwarts for the adventures..............................
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Im Sorry
Although not too much has been going on, I actually got really hooked on a site where I could do puzzles online and found any spare time I had I was doing a puzzle lol, sad I know but true, well after reading http://merrymunchkindesigns.blogspot.com/ about the Harry Potter series I found I needed to read them to see why she is so enthralled with it all. I must say though I haven't done a puzzle since I bought the first book and haven't been able to do anything else in my spare time now other than read lol. I find myself reading at the table in the morning now whilst having my brekkie and enjoying it.
I do like to read but as I have found in the past as soon as I even try to read the paper the kids want my attention, so now I am reading Harry Potter they are leaving me alone because I told them that when I finish it they can take turns in reading it lol.
Other things that are happening lately are: Nana and Grandad have come for a holiday to bring us Missy their beautiful dog so as that way when they want to go away they can. It is nice to see them again and the kids love it when they are here.
Poor M is so sick today we went out last night and he had a few to drink but he has not been out of bed as yet and it is now 2:06pm poor thing hope its only a hang over and nothing more serious I don't want the rest of us to get it.
Well I have some spare time now and really want to get back to my book I'm over 100 pages into it and its getting good.......
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Change of Name

Monday, June 18, 2007
The Floods
I went to the shop before school to get some change for the kiddies sponsorship forms had to be back in and heaven forbid we take all the money in together no they all had to have it separate for the bloody prizes they could win? When I got to the shop the water was up but no where near in the photos and they were frantically trying to get everything up off the floor in case it came in. I said to them I will go drop the kids at school and come back and give them a hand. By the time I had dropped the kids off and I mean just stopping right up next to the gate and taking two at a time in with the umbrella then back in the car to the shop the water was already at least another 20 cms higher than it was!
I parked my car around the back because that was higher ground and went in to help out now all I had planned for that morning was come home and have a workout, I had my workout and then some lol. I was carrying cartons of beer from the front to the fridge near the back and boxes of wine bottles I was buggered but we did it and got everything up off the floor, taped the bottoms of the doors with gaffa tape and then hoped it didn't rise more.
It didn't come in but every four wheel drive that went through the water made a back wash come up and come close but none came in thank god. The ladies in the shop couldn't believe I had come back to help but as I said to them if they close down I have to go without bread and milk and I would have to pay extra for it ( they sell the cheapest bread and milk.)
At 9:30 the school rang and asked if I could come get the kids and lol I had to say no, I couldnt get my tarago out so they said ok well when you can. It wasnt till I heard some thunder and then saw a dog out in the rain that I thought OMG my dogs and when I saw an SES vehicle come by and they stopped and asked how we were I hitched a ride home and when the water went down, which was as soon as it stopped raining one of the owners of the shops bought my car home lol. The river came up but I didnt take a picture of that I took video and I wish I could work out how to put a video onto my blog to show you all. By the way the water near that sign is knee deep and that is the side of the road!!!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007
My Sil

Eleven and a half years ago I was fortunate enough to have my brother marry this most fantastic lady, and finally we have a great photo of the two of us together. Sil is my best friend and someone I can talk to about anything and she always listens to my problems and helps me out with decisions I make. Without all her help before the wedding I think I may have gone mad. I miss her after her being here for a holiday and cant wait till we get together again. Thank you for being my Sil. xoxo
Friday, June 01, 2007
Our new toy

The cover will not come off unless we are playing because as I said to M "The cat will sleep on it" and I will not be happy if I have to brush it every time we play. Can you see the pool cues on the wall and also the score board for snooker? I have to learn how to play snooker now lol. So look out sil and little brother we will be pool champions next time you come visit lol.
Very exciting though and it wasnt just a case of putting it there, we had to take out a pole that was there and M had to put a big steel pole up to support where the pole was. It makes the outside area look totally different now. I will have to take a better photo and post it at a later date......
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My Sheepychic scarf

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Honeymoon

Day Three:Mothers day lol totally forgot until when we were having breakfast and this elderly woman( who knows what nationality she was we couldn't really understand her) said happy mothers day and I realised what day it was lol. So we rang our mums and spoke to the kiddies and again got asked by K "how many sleeps till you come home?" lol every night we spoke to the kids. We went to Centre point tower today and what a spectacular view it was I couldn't believe how pretty the whole city was. I don't have any photos of this but lots of movies. Then we went to the main mall Pitt street mall and had lunch in the food court and what choices we had lol M wanted to come back there for dinner and lunch the next day lol. We then caught a ferry across the harbour and went to check out Luna Park now let me tell you M and myself are not the ride type people but still wanted to have a look that's me in the mouth lol and it was very interesting but I couldn't see the whole big deal about the place but the ferry ride was lovely and we took the whole ride just to enjoy it lol.We had dinner in Kings cross at this restaurant that was interesting big meal but I wasn't too impressed with it.
Day three: We got up this morning and my feet were killing me from not wearing walking shoes lol should've packed my runners lol realise that now and M's legs were hurting him from not being used to walking so much. So we had brekkie in kings cross cant remember where lol and then caught our bus to go to Bondi beach and tour that area and we had a half an hour stop in Bondi or we could stay for two hours but as we discussed with each other our feet were killing us and we would have just sat on the grass at bondi and not been able to go look at the shops and stuff there so we got back on the bus and went back into the city lol. Had lunch and then rested so we could go out for dinner. We went out for dinner in the main eatery in Kings cross and the meal was beautiful and huge and the strangest thing was that my brother was in Sydney and we were having dinner and there was this group of four guys sort of behind us and I could have sworn it was my brother now for those of you that know me you know my brother and what he looks like who would've thought there could be two of them? I kept staring and looking and the guys caught me and I had to explain why I had been looking over all the time whilst on my honeymoon with my husband lol and they thought it was funny and let me take a photo, it was dark and I have tried to lighten the photo but you can still make him out and see that he does look like my brother from the side on view
Day Four:
We got up early today and went and had brekkie at Central train station we wanted to get home fairly early before the kids got home from school any way. We got on the train at 8:15 in the morning and headed home and the funny thing is M is always saying to me about how I talk to any schmo anywhere and when we got onto the train M made a friend well as M tells it the other guy made a friend and poor M just had to listen to him for two hours lmao I thought it was hilarious anyway. Well we got home alright and the kids were really excited to see us and it was a fantastic time with beautiful weather and fabulous company. I am so glad I married my husband and could not have had a better time if I tried.