Well guess what I have decided to be a Body Shop at home consultant which to all my friend that live in built up suberbia means nothing but believe me to us country folk that dont have a body shop store in our local shopping centre we cant get enough....
I told all my friends at school this afternoon and three of them told me they would have a party and were excited for me because now there is someone they can buy off regularly.

So wish me luck.........................
GOOD LUCK!!! You will do wonderfully!!!
thanks darl I as so excited I have three partys booked already lol
Congrats and Good Luck lovey!
I cant believe we talk nearly everyday and you forgot to mention this big news to me.....
body shop parties are good fun! I was NOT HAPPY recently when I found my body shop make up balls all over the bathroom floor being pushed about and squashed by a 3yr old's finger.. mmmmmmmmm By the way.. I'll book a party too. When can you schedule to visit my place?!?! hehe
Thats awsome. Ages ago i looked at doing that as well... it all sounds really good. A bit of extra pocket money for you.
thanks guys I have my first party on the 12th of september woo hoo.
Ruth Hmmm let me see when I can book you in!
Sil hey I have to let some things be a surprise dont I lol now I know you have read my blog tooo lol.
Rustee the extra pocket money will be a huge plus for me.....
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