Monday, March 12, 2007

Panic is starting to set in

Ok we have less than two months to go now till the big day!
You know how when you get married and you have heaps of people the dress, the caterers, the bridal party, the cars, then the guests.
Well seeing as we have both done this before we thought this time round a much smaller affair. M's plan was himself, me and the celebrant and a carton of beer.
My plan was family a few friends nothing to big not too much fuss, you know casual.
Well what we have now is 118 people invited, yes 118, going to the church to get married and then back here for the reception, bridal party, but no fancy cars. I think the tarago would make a damn fine bridal car lol.
Its amazing how much you forget you have to organise and with trying to feed and cloth 6 children while doing this is going to be my biggest test ever.
I dont want to complain in any way as I said to my SIL, its not that I dont plan on spending the rest of my life with this man its just the whole wedding thing that I find a waste of time and money that we dont have.
Any way I have vented now and feel better and now must go get the kids off to school.


Anonymous said...

There is alsways ELOPE!!!!!!

roseys madhouse said...

Mum as I keep telling you its too late for that

Merry Munchkin Designs said...

I can so realte, I really can.

hang in there sweetie, it will all be great.

Love Tye x

Ruth.... said...

You'll have a ball...hehe

Ruth.... said...

P.S. got somewhere for our van??

roseys madhouse said...

definately have that darl been slashing the padddock next door for all the vans,tents & motorhomes

nana said...

How is it with daylight savings now???love to all