Now I know you are all going to think me just abit loopy ( more than usual) but I just love getting up at 5:30 in the morning and going for a walk with my dogs.
Now I know its good for me but two weeks ago I actually hurt my back and I dont actually know how but I think it is finally mending itself although I am going to go see the doctor today about it incase I need to go see a chiropractor. But since I hurt my back I havent been walking and missing it and this morning I got up and went for a walk and the view was spectacular. I took this photo (with my mobile)which is as you come out of our street heading into town and the white in the bottom is actually fog but it had lifted by the time I came home. It is really serene though and I am such a city girl though that I look at things like the cows still laying in the paddock and get excited that three kangaroos jumped across the road in front of me lol. Well just though I would share it with you all. Have to make a move got things to do today we are going to pick up a new bed for D so he can have his drumkit in his room.
I agree that going for a long walk is great exercise for the body and mind...enjoy the sunshine and think about the day ahead.
Although 5.30am bit too early for me lol.
I've had 'one' of those days, deary...I reckon I could just go and lay down in that fog. PS..your dogs?!?! I thought your little dog..is..um..no longer...
Fun to read your posting, Ruth xx
yeah we got another dog we still had Tiny (Tiffs dog) mini foxy and then we went to the pound and got a shitzu x australian terrier and her name is Jessie and shes 5 and gorgeous and great with the kids.
What a veiw! Hope you didnt hurt your back Paris camming.......lol love Tye x P.S 5.30? Are you crazy!
Tye you read my mind lol
raflmao you guys are so funny no I did not do it Paris camming I did it being cinderella as Em calls me lol
Not so crazy Actually I got up unusually eary for me, the sun was rising and it was cool (ie not bloody hot) I thought a walk would be nice, but I procrastinated. I do no what you mean about the time of day and considering your wonderful landscape (ie river land green) It would have been a great feeling to say LOOK where I live, how lucky am I.
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