I won tickets to the Australian Open and went with my best friend (my sister in law).
Oh my God what a fantastic day out. It all started with me calling the station and talking about what you do about the extra kilos you put on over the xmas break, I said y6ou just dont go out and definately go to the beach lol. They rang me back and invited me and a friend to lunch with Mat and Jo ( from fox fm) at the Rod Laver Arena, which I was excited about and rang Sil straight away to tell her the good news and then rang mum to make sure she could look after all the kids for us for the day, which she agreed too with pleasure seeing as how we dont get a chance to go out much lol. Mum then told me you know that the Austaralian Open starts that day so I thought cool we may get to see a bit of tennis lol.
I had to pick up the tickets from fox fm which I got on the way over to her house and then got to sils dropped off the kids and off we went for the big day out lol.
We got to the city and realised we didnt have to pay for parking as there was a parking pass in the little gift pack they had given me so this was our first plus for the day, then we got into the rod laver arena passing the thousands of people outside lining up, got in to find out we were in a Corporate Suite ( which is in a Marquee in the Corporate area outside the rod laver arena in between the two arenas)and there was a security guard and he checked our tickets "yep in here ladies enjoy yourselves".
Sil and I were in another world lol it was fantastic free champagne, free beer and soft drink and free evian water. What I couldnt beleive was that there was 8 people plus the guys from the Mat and Jo team there so we got to sit and eat lunch with them it was so personal, I was expecting at least 50 people to be there but it was great. The meal was beautiful chicken breast with pesto and tomato with some dressing ( which made me who doesnt normally eat tomato on its own go back for more) rolls with salad and colod meat some vegetarian things which I cant remember what they were called lol.and pate's and crackers then dessert and then peters drumsticks lol and take a few bottles of water for while your walking around the tennis lol.
Im sure Sil's and my mouths where open alot gasping lol. We then got to the rod laver arena we got to watch the first mens single play and it has given me a new appreciation of the tennis lol and we really had a great time watching it. All from just calling the station. What a day :)
Well done, could not think of anyone more deserving to have such a great day!!
OMG!! how cool is that?!?!?!? A free day at the tennis! I'm gobsmacked! WOW !!!hehe way to go!!
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