Monday, October 22, 2007

Our Baby Chickens

Oh it was excitment plus in our house yesterday our chicken has been nesting for what seems like forever and yesterday we found a little chicken in the nest. There was another one this morning and 8 more hopefully to still hatch.
I took a video and Im hoping that it will upload onto here.
I think it may have worked? I have 6 children now all wanting to take them to school for news lol. They will soon be used to children real quick.


Merry Munchkin Designs said...

you are so clever, cute chicks!!!

Kellan said...

I couldn't get the video to load, but I could still that adorable little chick. I understand what you mean by it will be used to children, mine (4 of them) are that way with our 3 cats - drag them everywhere. Makes for some friendly pets. Cute chick. See ya.

nana said...


Rick said...

So dud you figure out which came first? The chicken or the egg?