Well our second youngest has started school and loves it. She started last Wednesday but I didn't have the pics to put onto my blog till now thanks to Nana sending her disc to me today.
I must tell you though I was not too keen on how well K would handle not having her sister to play with, but things have gone well.
J did really well her first day not a tear to be seen and was keen to get into her new classroom, she walked in and was told to look for her name to hang her bag up and did so and then the teacher said to say goodbye to mum and it wasn't till she hugged me that I thought to myself I must get out of her now or I am going to cry lol, she looked so grown up and confident that I didn't have to worry at all.
So K and myself headed off to the shops mind you we get 5 minutes up the road and she says to me "Me go home now" I said no we are going shopping and she didn't want to go ??? But we kept going and then she was fine and amazingly well behaved. Normally when we go shopping I have to chase her everywhere and she hides in the clothing racks and hides where ever she can which just frustrates me. But this time was so nice and I'm hoping that the next time is going to be just as easy? We'll see we are going shopping this Thursday. Only two years too go now till K is at school and she is already counting them down constantly telling me that she only has "Two Ears till big school mummy"
Wow they all look so grown up!
Big kisses and hugs to all
Wont be long now Kathie.....
They all looke beautiful.x
Great pictures, Kath...wish we were closer! Isn't it funny, as school returns, how the clock definately speeds up between 9am and 3pm!! I don't know where my days go...
Tell me about it I found over the holidays the days went far too slowly and now they just fly although it is amazing how much I squeeze into those days lol
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