Ok here we have the down stairs lounge room and I think it used to be formal dining area but with the carpet on the floor its not going to be that now I usually use the area nere the pc to fold the clothes on the floor lol.Ok the pic with the stairs on the left hand side of the photo is as you come in the front door and the sliding door you see goes outside to a little paved area (we are going to get one of those cast iron outdoor settings for two so in summer time we can sit out there and relax of an evening). The other photo of the lounge area has the front window so you can see that we can see out the front when sitting in the lounge room.The other photo is taken from in front of the tele and the view looking back and those cupboards are great for storing stuff and also where I had my growing ironing pile and after taking this photo had to do it all as I felt terrible that I had so much there lol. The last photo of the pc is on your right hand side as you walk into the front door and the room you can see is the entrance into the main bedroom
I'm just trying to remember the last time I ironed anything. hehe I don't think I've done any since the twins were born. pffttttt!! You do ironing...I'm truly impressed. (My clothes are not) hehe
Surely u must be running out of rooms to take photo's of?!
Where does your new futon&wall unit belong?
Keep up the excellent photography lovey!!
not much left now lovey and the wall unit goes on the wall to the left of the pc and the futon upstairs
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