Monday, May 29, 2006

Oh the joy of it all..................
I have just got back from the doctors and J has Chicken Pox and 4 others havent had it so here comes an interesting next two months. Although J is the one child I could have home at all times as you never know shes here she just does her own thing most of the times telling me when shes hungry or thirsty though lol.
We had a great weekend went out for dinner on friday night on our own lol yes someone offered to look after 6 children lol, we went to the royal hotel for dinner and the meal was absolutely delicious. Then we all went out for dinner on saturday night with M's family( his brother and wife and their two boys and his parents) and the best part was there is a shuttle bus that picks you up from your front door and drops you home it was fantastic and the meals were decently priced and cooked to perfection. They have a compitition there which I think little brother would win everytime at lol they had a 1kg t-bone steak and dessert if you clean you plate of food then you get a free t-shirt lol. M and his brother and his dad all did it his brother struggled though and I thought of my little brother and thought he could probably eat two lol.
Well better go get some washing done and a bit of tidying up
Love to you all that drop in


Kerry said...

Mine havent had chicken pox yet..touch wood.
Calamine Lotion is gonna b ur best friend!!!
Great to hear that u & Mark had a great night out together.

Ruth.... said...

Calamine Lotion and the DVD player!!! Thoughts are with you, Kath...look after yourself. (Gettem immunised, guys, and save yourself the two weeks of misserable children..)

Merry Munchkin Designs said...

Oh you poor thing! I hope they dont all come down with it, I am sending very positive thoughts your way!!! Weel done that you guys got out together for a night, David and I are still trying to manage that and we only have 3.......

Kerry said...

I must admit best $50 i ever spent for that vaccination...and now i think its rude!

Merry Munchkin Designs said...

Its the same with the one for mennigicoccal, we paid 140.00 per child for it 2 years ago and now its free! Kathie, please accept my 3rd apology for my thoughtless joking comment over at Ruths, I was only kidding, and so not sure that you know that...... I feel really bad!! Sorry again....

roseys madhouse said...

you are such a dag darl I know you were only joking but please be assured I check daily on yours and ruths and kerrys blogs to see what you have all been creating It mmakes my day