Well yesterday I officially became Mrs R I went to three of the places to change my name and still have a couple to go too. But its funny the lady at the RTA said sign your old name and then your new name and I was like "Ummmmm" I hadnt signed my new name before and I didnt know how to sign??? So I signed it very similar to what I do now lol. The pain in the bum part is though you cant just use your marriage certificate that you get from the church, you have to get the official one from Births, Deaths and Marriages at a fee.
But it is all done now and next one on the list is little K we are changing her surname to the same as ours, P wants his name changed too but he cant until the sperm donor signs a form and gives him permission.
Not much else has been happening here though. K's cow Juicy is going to the farm tomorrow as she is getting too big and keeps breaking the wire that she is tied up too. We will only see her once a fortnight now lol.